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Maximise Your Ad Efficiency Through Smart Keyword Research 

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Maximising ad efficiency starts with effective keyword research, which helps to find the right words and phrases your audience uses when searching online. Selecting the best keywords and regularly updating them can make your ads more relevant and increase your chances of getting more customers.

When you are setting up a winning ad campaign, unlike other attributes like setting the budget, defining your target audience, strategising your goals and so on, the choice of keywords is a potent feature that must remain at the top of your checklist. Keywords determine who sees your ads and, for that matter, when they see them. You definitely cannot choose random keywords for a specific campaign related to your eCommerce brand. Not all keywords are the same. Your keywords must be created with the thought of who your target audience is, and it can only be done through a smart keyword research tool. 

Selecting the right set of keywords for ad campaigns is more than choosing words that align with the business but it is more of strategically choosing the right words that align perfectly with user intent and have low competition. 

So, when you choose the right ones, it can significantly impact your ad’s success. 

Every word can be treated as a keyword, but do they really make any difference? 

Before delving into spontaneous keyword research, let us take you through an understanding of what type of keywords will bring up a prominent impact on eCommerce businesses, ultimately driving better results. 

This graphical illustration depicts how various keywords perform and capture relevant attention from the market, overcasting the competition. 

Vague Keywords: High Competition, Low Relevance

    When using generic terms like “cleaning,” competition just goes through the roof. 


    Because, of course, all those giants, along with small blogs competing for that keyword, are giving their best for that one keyword. But, here is the catch – the intent is very unclear for this keyword, however. 

    The logic behind this is simple: cast a wide net, and you will get more clicks. 

    Since many businesses are bidding on these terms, the cost per click is usually higher, and you are competing with numerous other companies for the same traffic. Even though these broad search themes can generate more clicks, the rate of conversion remains low. 

    Someone searching in “cleaning” might do that for anything from how-to guides, DIY tips to industry news. As a result, your ad might get seen, but it is not necessarily being seen by the right audience, which leads to wasted ad spend.

    Takeaway: While doing keyword analysis, you will acknowledge that vague keywords burn through your ad budget very quickly. There are probably millions of competing advertisers, but it will be highly unlikely that you can convert much of that traffic into paying customers. It is too broad to attract users who are ready to engage with your services.

    Generic Keywords: Better Relevance, Still High Competition

      Generic keywords are one step forward compared to vague ones. They are more targeted keywords. Here, your target audience searching on a specific search theme such as “cleaning” likely needs some kind of cleaning work done. 

      You will get fewer clicks than with vague keywords, but the clicks you do get will probably be more relevant to your service. 

      However, despite their targeted nature, the competition for these keywords is quite high.

      As business owners and advertisers, you have to understand that generic keywords do have their own problems, irrespective of the fact that they have slightly lower competition than branded keywords. The search volume is enormous but too broad, so the search intent may not always align with your specific offering. 

      For instance, a person may be looking for a “house cleaning service” but could be searching for a number of solutions such as carpet cleaning, deep house cleaning, or even just a service, and that person is not yet ready to buy.

      Hence, there is a higher probability that your advertisement will be displayed, but the prospect of the needs of the user not being fully aligned with what you have to offer will lower the conversion rate. 

      Therefore, conducting thorough research with a keyword research tool is crucial to ensure your ads reach the right audience and improve your chances of conversion. Google keyword research tool helps identify not only generic keywords but also more specific, intent-driven terms that can enhance your marketing strategy.

      Takeaway: While generic keywords are more focused than vague ones, the competition is still high, and the intent is somewhat not entirely clear. Your ads might still not hit the mark with the right audience, ultimately not bringing up any solution. 

      Highly Relevant Keywords: Low Competition, High Relevance

        Now, here is where you can win big in your ad campaigns. Highly relevant keywords are phrases that target exactly what your potential customers are searching for. Long-tail keywords such as “house cleaning service Sydney” have very clear intent and are more specific than just “cleaning”. 

        When a user searches for a highly specific term, they know what they need. 

        The competition is lower because fewer companies target these exact niche terms. 

        As a result, your cost-per-click (CPC) decreases, and the likelihood of conversion increases.

        But how are they making a difference? 

        First, people looking for these keywords are one step closer to the buyer’s journey. They are not searching for any general information. Rather, they know what they want, and they are actively seeking service. Thus, it means that long-tail keywords are far more relevant to search intent.

        Secondly, the competition is low, but the intent is clear, especially with long-tail keywords. Because relatively few businesses target those exact phrases, the click cost is usually much lower than for vague or generic words. You are bidding on a very specific query, which gives you an advantage.

        Thirdly, your conversion rates are higher when you use long-tail keywords. The intent is clear – the user wants a specific service in a specific location. This means your ad is much more likely to match their needs, leading to increased engagement and more successful conversions.

        Remember, effective keyword research tools are the key to identifying these valuable long-tail keywords that can elevate your ad performance. 

        Understanding Ad Prioritisation: Search Campaigns vs. Performance Max

        As you run Google Ads, you may be managing different types of campaigns. There are two highly common ones – Search campaigns and Performance Max. The important thing to know here is that if any user search query matches one of your eligible keywords for a Search campaign, then the Search campaign will override the Performance Max. 

        So, let us break this down in a way that makes sense.

        Why Is It Important? 

        When a potential customer types a specific search term that matches your keyword in a Search campaign, Google prioritises that ad. This eventually means your targeted Search efforts will be displayed before any ads from Performance Max.

        Understanding this prioritisation is crucial for businesses and advertisers. A proper keyword analysis helps you focus your time and resources effectively. 

        Here are some reasons why this matters:

        – Maximise Visibility

        If your Search campaign is optimised with the right keywords using a keyword research tool, you increase the likelihood of being seen by customers actively looking for your products. This is essential for driving traffic to your website. 

        Example: If you sell running shoes and your keyword is “best running shoes for beginners,” your ad will appear when someone searches exactly for that term. This puts you in front of customers who are ready to purchase.

        – Improve Conversion Rates

        When your ads appear for exact matches, the chances of clicks leading to sales are higher. This means better returns on your advertising spend.

        Example: Considering a user searches for “buy eco-friendly yoga mats” and your ad matches this keyword, they are more likely to click on your ad because it directly addresses their need, leading to higher conversion rates.

        – Focus Your Strategy

        Knowing that Search campaigns take precedence allows you to allocate more effort to keyword research and optimisation. 

        Use a keyword research tool to identify high-performing keywords that resonate with your audience.

        If you discover that “organic skincare products for sensitive skin” is frequently searched, you can prioritise this keyword in your Search campaign to target specific customers effortlessly. 

        – Adjust Your Budget

        You can consider shifting your budget towards your Search campaigns if you have data showing that keywords like “affordable home decor” have generated more sales consistently, outperforming Performance Max. 

        This ensures you invest where you see the best results, boosting your Search campaign further. 

        Thus, recognising the importance of ad prioritisation helps you make more informed decisions, enhance ad effectiveness, and improve your business outcomes. 

        Performance Max campaigns highly rely on automated strategies. Due to this, it might not always prioritise long-tail, highly relevant keywords. However, by prioritising your Search campaign, you ensure that your ads are laser-focused and shown to those specific user groups who have high buying intent.

        Strategic Keyword Research: A Game Changer For Your eCommerce Business

        In order to achieve success with your ads, begin with strategic keyword research. It is advisable to invest time in identifying highly relevant, low-competition keywords. This approach provides you with: 

        1. Reduced ad spend 
        2. Your ads connect with the right audience

        Additionally, avoid broad, vague terms that may seem compelling and will reach a larger audience segment but will not bring any conversions. 

        Instead, focus on what your potential customers are actively searching for. 

        A keyword research tool is best to uncover specific phrases that align with your target audience’s needs and interests.

        Following this process in your ads is a way through the tunnel to outperform the competition. Well-targeted keywords ensure the ad dollars are well spent and increase your relevance, leading to higher click-through rates and better ‘Quality Scores.’ 

        Voila! Your business achieves the intended goals – your ads will be shown more often and at lower costs.

        Relevancy Of Keyword Research Tool In Ads

        This is where a keyword research tool comes in handy. You may find out which keywords are most relevant to your audience and business by using a keyword research tool. By finding the right keywords along with performing a keyword analysis for your ad campaigns, you gain the confidence that your search campaign is well-optimised. 

        If you evaluate that a search term like “vegan skincare products” is the most searched one, consider including it in your Search campaign. 

        This raises the likelihood of your ad being seen, improves the visibility, increases the chances of a click, and finally leads to a potential sale. 

        Bottom Line

        When businesses aim towards a successful ad campaign, keyword research is non-negotiable. Each keyword type, from vague to highly relevant, has its own advantages and challenges. No matter the data, your prime focus should be on lowering the competition and increasing relevance—this is where long-tail keywords shine.

        When targeting specific keywords, it is crucial to prioritise your Search campaigns and always aim to match user intent. Ultimately, your goal is to ensure your ads reach those most likely to convert.

        However, the process is brainstorming. If your current efforts are not yielding the desired results, you do not have to navigate this alone. Our experts at Oxedent are here to help you optimise your keyword strategy for maximum impact. We implement strategic keyword research as it is not just a tool; it is a pathway to higher ROI, better engagement, and more targeted results.

        Ready to take your advertising to the next level? Contact Oxedent today, and let us guide you toward success!

        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

        1. What is keyword research, and why is it important for ads?

        Keyword research involves identifying the terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for products or services. It’s crucial for ads because it helps you target the right audience, improve ad relevance, and increase conversion rates.

        1. How can I identify the best keywords for my ads?

        Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover keywords with high search volume and low competition. Analyse competitors’ keywords and consider long-tail keywords for more specific targeting.

        1. What are long-tail keywords, and how do they benefit ad campaigns?

        Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that often have lower search volumes but higher intent. They can lead to higher conversion rates as they target users further along in the buying process.

        1. How often should I update my keyword list for my ad campaigns?

        Regularly review and update your keyword list, ideally every few months or after significant campaign performance changes. This ensures your ads stay relevant and aligned with current search trends.

        1. What role does negative keyword research play in ad efficiency?

        Negative keywords prevent your ads from appearing for irrelevant searches. This helps you avoid wasting ad spend on low-quality traffic and improves overall ad performance by increasing click-through and conversion rates.

        1. How can I analyse the performance of my keywords?

        Use analytics tools to track metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost-per-click (CPC) for each keyword. Adjust bids and strategies based on which keywords perform best or need improvement.

        1. Should I focus on broad match or exact match keywords?

        A mix of both is often best. Broad match allows for greater reach, while exact match provides precision. Use broad match for discovery and exact match for targeting high-intent searches.

        1. How can I leverage seasonal trends in keyword research for my ads?

        Monitor seasonal trends and adjust your keyword strategy accordingly. Use tools like Google Trends to identify spikes in search interest during specific times of the year and plan your campaigns around those periods.

        1. What is the impact of ad copy on keyword efficiency?

        Ad copy should align with your targeted keywords to improve relevance and Quality Score. Compelling ad copy that incorporates keywords can enhance CTR and drive more qualified traffic to your site.

        1. How can I integrate keyword research with other marketing strategies?

        Combine keyword insights with content marketing, social media, and SEO efforts. Use identified keywords to inform blog topics, social media posts, and on-site content, creating a cohesive strategy that maximises your overall marketing impact.

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