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Understanding Of Facebook Ads During The BFCM Season

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The BFCM period is an opportunity for advertisers to drive massive business growth. Yet, some shy away from facing the challenge of increased CPM rate, merely knowing the factors behind it or how to navigate a way out in the competitive landscape with the right strategies that will give unmatched results. 

Black Friday Cyber Monday deals are just around the corner, and you will not want to miss that out! The season comes with incredible deals on products and services that your audiences have been eyeing for years all year long. Although the excitement in the air is palpable, eCommerce business owners and advertisers have to pay attention to the unique set of challenges Facebook ads bring – the rising cost.

Billions can be acquired with the BFCM sale. But here is the catch – big brands and some newly launched brands increase their advertising budget while the Cost Per Impression (CPM) reaches an optimum mark. The BFCM planning starts way before the actual week. How will you manage your ad costs? How will your brand overpower the competition? What should your Facebook ads budget for the season? 

We know many questions arise and are kept unanswered, leading you to an increased ad budget. In this blog, we will answer all of your questions while providing you with ideas that will lead you through the way to face upcoming challenges and opportunities. 

Plus, do not miss the video for a more in-depth understanding of how to succeed with your Facebook ads this season.

The BFCM Spike Is Real – Maximise Your ROI Before It’s Too Late

So, let us start off by introducing aspects from the roots. 

What Is CPM? 

CPM, or “Cost Per 1000 Impressions”, is a crucial metric in the advertising domain, particularly during the high-stakes period of the BFCM deals. It tells an advertiser how much they have to pay for every 1000 views of your ads. In a word, it provides an understanding of the cost-effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and helps make strategic decisions during this peak season. 

Particularly for eCommerce businesses while running ads, it is important to monitor this metric because having a low CPM indicates you have more exposure for your budget while contrastingly, on the other hand, having a higher rate of CPM means you will have to refine your creative strategy ensuring a better return on investment. 

But should you care about this change?

Let us find out. 

Key Reasons Why CPM Matters

Although this period brings a lot of opportunities for businesses and advertisers, the competition rises to an optimum level. This allows advertisers to leverage their best strategies with aggressive campaigns in order to capture attention. 

The Rise Among The Advertisers During The BFCM Period

The surge in advertisers during Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals (BFCM) represents a pivotal moment in the retail calendar as businesses scramble to capture consumer attention in a highly competitive landscape. This period sees an influx of brands launching aggressive marketing campaigns, all vying for visibility in consumers’ feeds. 

As a result, it leads to an increased CPM. 

Facebook’s auction-based system means that securing prime ad space becomes increasingly expensive as more advertisers bid for visibility. 

This necessitates a strategic approach for brands: understanding their target audience, creating compelling ad content, and closely monitoring campaign performance. 

However, by effectively navigating this surge, eCommerce businesses can maximise their impact and drive meaningful engagement on Facebook during one of the most significant shopping events of the year.

This leads to the essentiality of an understanding of the unique selling points (USPs) of advertising on Facebook: 

How Does “Supply And Demand” Cause An Increased CPM? 

Supply and demand play a crucial role in determining CPM on advertising platforms like Facebook. The platform has a finite number of ad spaces available, and during peak periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM), the demand for these ad spaces skyrockets. 

This works like more businesses being eager to get their ads in front of consumers who are actively looking to make purchases during this time. 

However, while the number of advertisers competing increases, the number of available ad slots remains the same.

This imbalance between supply and demand creates a situation where advertisers must bid more to secure these limited spaces. As a result, the CPM rises, making it more expensive to reach a thousand people with your ads. 

This increase in cost is driven purely by the increased competition for ad slots, as advertisers try to outbid each other for the best placements. 

Therefore, during such high-demand periods, you must be prepared for higher advertising costs and may need to adjust your budgets and strategies to maintain visibility in this competitive landscape.

Understanding The Competition For High-Intent Shoppers

As the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals approach, it is likely that your target audience will make a purchase. As advertisers, your intent should be to focus on that group of high-intent shoppers. This is because by capturing those audiences, there are high chances of converting them to potential buyers. 

It is a well-known strategy and, hence, is followed by most advertisers. 

Here is where the inflammation occurs. 

Since so many advertisers compete for the same audience in the Black Monday sale, this drives up competition in Facebook’s ad auctions. 

For example, if multiple brands are bidding to reach customers searching for electronics, the cost to target that group rises. With each advertiser trying to outbid the other, CPM increases.

This competition can prominently affect your budget, making it more expensive to get your ads in front of these high-intent buyers. 

So, will you back off from the competition? 

Here is a way out! 

The Solution

By combining these strategies, you can still reach valuable shoppers without overspending during competitive periods. 

As you broaden your audience and optimise your ad strategies, you must be mindful of ad fatigue, which can occur when the same creatives are shown too frequently to the same users. This oversaturation can lead to decreased engagement and click-through rates, ultimately diminishing the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

So, What Is Ad Fatigue?

Ad fatigue happens when your audience is bombarded with the same messages, making them tune out. Instead of clicking on your ad, they just scroll past it. 

Not great, right?

How Does This Affect Your Costs?

To fight ad fatigue, many advertisers follow a thumb rule, which is to boost their budgets to stay visible. 

But it gets tricky here. 

When more advertisers spend more money, competition for ad space gradually increases. As a result, the cost (CPM) to get your ads seen goes up.

This brings us to the question of whether this higher CPM is worthy or not! 

To answer that, yes. 

A higher CPM might feel heavy for your ad budget, but it will bring some incredible results. During busy shopping periods like Black Friday Cyber Monday deals, it can actually make sense. Here is why:

The Holiday Buying Boom

While CPM does spike, conversion rates and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) also rise. Here is what you need to know:

Balancing Act

It is essential to strike a balance between rising CPM and effective advertising strategies. Here are some tips to maximise your conversions:

Evaluate Your Return

Even though you might be paying more per impression, the potential for higher returns is significant. Consider the following:

So, while there is a sudden increase in the CPM during the BFCM period, and yes, it can seem daunting, the potential rewards often justify the investment.

When you implement smart strategies and focus on conversions, you can turn those rising costs into valuable returns.

As we weigh the pros and cons of higher CPM during busy shopping periods like BFCM, businesses with low budgets often get stuck on the question of how they will manage the costs.

Are the costs even manageable? 

The good news is that with the right strategies, you can navigate this landscape effectively and still drive impressive results.

Strategies To Manage Higher CPM

To effectively tackle the increased competition and costs, consider the following strategies:

Bottom Line 

As we approach the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals(BFCM), it is certainly clear that while CPM may rise due to increased competition and limited ad inventory, this does not have to be a drawback. Higher CPM can often be balanced by stronger conversion rates and improved Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). You can effectively navigate these challenges by honing in on your target audience, crafting compelling offers, and ensuring your ad creatives stand out.

Additionally, with careful monitoring and a willingness to adapt, you can turn the potential obstacles of BFCM into valuable opportunities for growth and sales. Embrace the season, make the most of the increased consumer interest, and position yourself for success during this pivotal shopping period.

If you are new or your old strategies are not providing adequate results, our PPC experts are here to help. Ready to maximise your BFCM opportunities? Partner with Oxedent to leverage tailored advertising strategies that drive results and boost your sales. Let us make this BFCM a standout success together.

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